Android vs iOS (Comparison)

Apple initially introduced Quick Reply in i - OS with the release of i - OS 8 back in 2014, but that only applied to stock Apple apps. Apple's i - OS optionally let users group app notifications together to keep everything in one place within Notification Center. Android N Bundled Notifications on left vs i - OS Group By App Notifications on right. Im done buying android phones other than the nexus. FYI, I prefer i - OS but Android is my main handset now.

Android vs iOS (Comparison)
  • Samsung Touch - Wiz, Cynogen - Mod features ≠ stock Google Android features
  • Similarly, Cydia tweak features ≠ stock i - OS features
  • Have owned and used every flagship Android phone since Nexus One
  • If you're looking for innovation, Apple is about 2-4 years behind Android
  • Two strongest and biggest competitors in the market right now are Android and i - OS
  • Android provides you the freedom to customize your phone, its looks and features
  • App security is a common point of discussion between Android and i - OS
  • From my personal experience, I would definitely pick an Apple phone over Android
  • As a matter of fact, most Android smart phones come with higher m - Ah ratings than an i - Phone
  • Therefore, Android should have a better battery backup than i - OS
  • The below image shows a general comparison of the i - OS and Android battery performance
  • Google's latest publicly available version of the Android mobile platform, Android 6
  • 6% of Android devices in use that contact the Play Store
  • 5 years old and it's still on one-third of Android devices
  • Is there any way Google can improve things with Android
  • We'll explain 15 reasons the i - Phone is better than Android with a fresh 2016 i - Phone vs Android comparison
  • The i - Phone 6s and i - Phone 6s Plus offer a huge feature set and i - OS 9 delivers upgraded features that you simply don't get on an Android phone
  • Here are 15 reasons the i - Phone is better than Android phones in 2016
  • We're seeing more apps come to both Android and i - Phone at the same time, but there are still way more i - Phone only apps that we see than Android only
  • When apps are available on i - Phone and Android we still often see a better design on the i - Phone version than on Android
  • Android updates take months to arrive on all the devices
  • After an Android device is 18 months old, you may need to wait for a new Android smartphone to get the latest software
  • Apple delivers i - Phone updates to devices that are three years old
  • It is unheard of to see support for an Android phone that old
  • While I believe most android phones will get work DONE
  • Android is secure with the right Antivirus programs
  • Apps are even better (which surprises me why it isn't the same for a Mac vs Windows) i - Phone's are faster than most android phones…
  • But if you compare it to stock original android phones, the i - Phone still beats them but not as much as other android phones
  • Android phones built in payment that works everywhere
  • Android phone MULTITASK, thats right you can run a dozen apps at the same time while talking
  • Android phones have sizable widgets, so you have live streaming info on your home screen
  • Android phones PLAY ALL FILES, iphones only play Mp3's from itunes etc etc pain in the Apple
  • Android phones have rapid charging, 10 min = 4 hours of use
  • Android phones are available with 2 days of battery
  • I always found i - OS apps looking neater, working smoother and more consistent compared to Android Apps
  • I havent noticed parallels for some Apps in Android (Drafts, Soulver etc)
  • I am a fan of some automation apps like Tasker on android which doesnt have an i - OS equivalent
  • I guess i - OS is bit more secure compared to android against virus attacks and hacking
  • I´ve been an i - Phone user for 2 years, recently I bought an Android phone to verify if really Android is superior… After 2 months of testing it, I sell the Android and bought an i - Phone 6…
  • Android is good, everything is cheap but is not an stable OS…
  • As for the notifications, I prefer android's iteration way more than apples
  • Apple optimises the i - Phone's hardware and software
  • The i - OS Is custom built for and i - Phone but the android softwares are not built for any particular device or hardware so optimisation is nog as good as in an Apple device
  • So as Apple builds it products to its own requirements and deliver better products than android phones
  • Android has some seriously dedicated developers, and I've always admired them and even began looking into Android app development
  • Until I switched over to i - Phone several months ago after being a dedicated Android user
  • Even on the fastest Android phone around, there are a couple of seconds delay
  • On most Android phones, you have to agree to everything before installing an app
  • ," considering that my new Android handsets' larger (4
  • What's it like to develop for Android compared to i - OS
  • As Android 5 (Lollipop) and Material design is still fairly new, I'm looking at the earlier methods, from Android versions 4
  • I picked those versions because of the market share figures on Google's Android developer dashboard
  • Android development wins over i - OS in the programming language category
  • Previously, Android development was done with Eclipse using ADT — the Google customized Android Development Toolkit
  • The smallest clickable size is similar: 44 pixels on i - Os and 48 on Android
  • Android also uses XML files, in fact, considerably more so than i - OS
  • means that Android has around 19,000 ( Open - Signal Report ) while i - OS is under a dozen
  • Both Android and i - OS development are very well documented
  • The counter to that is it's very easy to develop for any Android phone, while i - OS phones have development obsolescence built-in after three to four years
  • Neither Android 6 nor i - OS 9 brought much of a visual change to their respective mobile OSes
  • Android developers get deeper and more transparent access into the mobile OS, which makes a difference in the end experience for users

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Android vs iOS (Comparison)
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