Going by the past record of the analyst who set off the PS5 rumours and the rationale behind Sony's need for a credible 4K capable competitor to the Xbox One X, there's a good chance that a next generation PlayStation 4 successor is looming on the horizon and we could in fact see it materialise circa 2019. As it stands, no amount of optimisation is going to help the PS4 Pro catch up with the decidedly more powerful Xbox One X. A brand new console engineered from the ground up for 4K gaming then makes perfect sense for Sony in 2019, when 4K TV penetration will have reached optimal levels. Michael Pachter, a divisive analyst with his finger in a lot of pies, believes the box will deploy in 2019 To be fair, there's method in his theory: Sony waited until three years into the current generation to revise its entire product line with the PS4 Pro, PS4 Slim, and PlayStation VR - it certainly makes sense that it would wait three more to introduce a new machine.
Thong's thinking on the PS5 launch window does not quite mirror that of Michael Pachter of Wedbush Morgan, who recently announced that he expects Sony's next big console release to be released somewhere in 2020, giving the PS4 Pro an understandable longer run considering it has just arrived. According to Damian Thong, an analyst with Macquarie Research, the PS5 will launch as the most powerful gaming console on the market, even surpassing the Xbox Scorpio thanks to a 10 TFLOP GPU, but it wont be here till late-2018. Sony going to great effort to speedily retake the title of Most Powerful Hardware” after the Scorpio's 2017 launch, refusing to cede any ground to Microsoft in the console market, may be the most persuasive argument for a 2018 PlayStation 5.
Usually, a gaming console comes with an expected life cycle of at least two years, and if Sony launches the PS5 during the PS4 Pro's life cycle, it will hamper the productivity of the existing gaming console, which is doing a great business in the market. However, in a report by the WSJ , Macquarie Capital Securities analyst Damian Thong who correctly predicted the PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro launch dates has said Sony will launch the PlayStation 5 in 2018. Games hardware is years in the making - work on PS4 began in 2008 - so we can safely assume that his words do have some bearing on what to expect from the next PlayStation, which is almost certainly in the works now, even if a 2018 launch does seem unlikely.
While there is a group of gamer who believe that the PlayStation 5 will be launched next year, soon after the arrival of the Microsoft Xbox Project Scorpio, some people are saying that the potential launch date of the gaming console will not arrive before 2020. The PS 4 Slim and the PS4 Pro consoles were just released, so we didn't expect the release of the next generation Playstation 5 as soon as next year. The online publication VG 24/7, which was among the participants of the Paris Games Week, felt that the modern gamers have "popped through the mid-generation malaise in 2017." The expectation after the event is that in 2018 and the years that follow will be the time for "killer releases that will define the PS4 era."
However, it seems Layden is adamant that Sony will release a PS5 in the future, though with it still be some years away, it's unlikely to trouble Microsoft and their new Xbox One X console. For the time being though, the pinnacle of Sony PlayStation's power resides with the PS4 Pro console, which will become even more key as the company looks to go head to head with Microsoft's new Xbox One X unit. Earlier this year, there was a lot of speculation about when we might see the PlayStation 5 or next Xbox, with the usually-reliable Wall Street Journal saying the a new PlayStation could arrive as early as the back half of 2018 Sony and Microsoft have downplayed the speculation, but the possibility of the PS5/NeXtbox coming so soon after the release of the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X (
Launching in March 2020 sounds like the ideal time to me. The Xbox One X should be easy to beat on performance, there will be a good library of PS4 Pro games available, and Sony will have tens of millions more PS4/Pro owners to entice into upgrading knowing all their existing PS4 games will still work on the new machine. We loved the original PS4 and Xbox One consoles, but 500GB doesn't quite cut it, especially when you're installing full-sized games so Sony released a 1TB version in 2015 and we'd expect a later console to improve on that thanks to cheaper storage. There were rumors that, PS5 will be released in 2018 which made the fans really happy who got disappointed when they come to know that these were just rumors and gamers should not expect PS5 until the year 2019 0r 2020.
This is good news, as they would definitely be utilizing the time to make sure that the console is prepared to truly take on the next generation of gaming head on. We already know that 2017 is the year of the Xbox Scorpio, and Sony is certainly not making the mistake of doing anything hastily as an answer to that. Four years on, Sony has released another PlayStation console in the form of the PS4 Pro, and seems to be promising us that it won't be cutting off the PS4 any time soon. Going by the smart pricing of the PS4 and PS4 Pro at £350 on launch, I'd like to say Sony should stick to the same model with the PlayStation 5. However, with Microsoft's Xbox One X coming into the market at an eye-watering £450, Sony may look to see just how successful Microsoft's latest launch is before revising its pricing structure.
2019 would be the absolute earliest for a new generation of hardware to arrive, but both Microsoft and Sony have continually said they see this generation as the longest one yet - both the PS3 and Xbox 360 sat in the market, with no hardware revisions, for six to seven years before being replaced. Based on conversations with developers who have spoken with Sony, this ‘PS4.5' will include an upgraded GPU both to support high-end 4K resolution for games and add more processing power that can enhance the games supported by PlayStation VR, the headset Sony will launch this fall. The same cannot be said anymore, with the PS4 launching back in 2013 , yet three years later we not only see a slim edition, but a much more powerful version; the PS4 pro, too.
I can see Sony and Microsoft both really wanting the "most powerful console" crown next gen...and both will be wary of pulling the trigger to launch until they know they'll take that crown...so I think 2018 is unlikely..unless Scorpio starts to eat a big chunk of market share. For gamers, just relax in the knowledge you've got another 4 years at least of gaming on your PS4 or Xbox One (or both) without Sony or Microsoft pushing you to buy new hardware. Sony is reported to have sold almost twice as many PS4s compared to the Xbox One since the consoles were released, but fear that Scorpio will give Microsoft the upper hand in the console wars could encourage Sony to expedite the PS5's arrival.
This has been the question floating in the gaming scene following rumors that Microsoft is going to make 'the most powerful gaming console' with the release of Xbox Scorpio by Q4 of 2017. That being the case, the PlayStation 5 software is anticipated to work on the PS4 Pro games, the same way the PS4 Pro was made compatible with the PlayStation 4. Sony's upcoming PlayStation 5 is expected to be released on Nov. The PS4 Pro is a pure upgrade, released for mainly the 4K and VR scene, other than that there are no significant differences between Sony's two consoles.
PlayStation 5 (PS5) is a videogame platform developed by Sony Computer Entertainment as the successor of the PlayStation 4. Released in 2020, it is not a console like its predecessors, but a paid online multimedia service (used primarily for gaming) that can be accessed by PCs or smart TVs. The Sony boss was asked whether the PlayStation 4 Pro, Sony's flagship console currently, will receive any exclusive games, or whether the more powerful PS4 model will always continue to run games that also work on the base PS4. 144 Although PlayStation Move is implemented on the existing PlayStation 3 console, Sony states that it is treating Move's debut as its own major "platform launch", planning an aggressive marketing campaign to support it. In addition to selling the controllers individually, 145 Sony also plans to provide several different bundle options for PlayStation Move hardware; including a starter kit with a PS Eye, a Move motion controller, and a demo/sampler disc, priced under US$ 100; 146 a full console pack with a PS3 console, DualShock 3 gamepad, PS Eye, and Move motion controller; and bundles of a Move motion controller with select games.
Thong's prediction says that his company expects the PlayStation 5 would target over 10 teraflops in graphical power, a detail seemingly specifically designed to impress over the Microsoft Scorpio's 6 teraflop specification that's resounding well in marketing. The company is absolutely mum about everything of this upcoming console, be it the PS5 release date or the PlayStation 5 features and price So in this article we have tried to decode the probable release date of PlayStation 5 and when we will be able to get our hands on this highly anticipated and much awaited gaming device. PS5 Release Date: Although Sony is rocking the gaming world with their redesigned PlayStation 4 and brand new PlayStation 4 Pro, gamers are eagerly waiting for the next installment of the console, PlayStation 5 to launch.
Plus your suppose to be sony the leader in video games im not impress hope you do better with PS5 cause xbox and ps4 was a let down its very similar to the last model just increase to 500 GB. Sony please step your game up thirsty for so creative new idea think outside the box and really use your technology to do some fun thing mostly with making it real and developing better controller to the game come on. You even let Nintendo catch up need to pull so trick out the bag with this system I don't see any new feature that really says that this is a PS4 I rather just the PS3 nothing worth getting rated highest amount new system Spokes men from a gamer site (unnames) Not enough consumers have adopted 4K for Sony to seriously consider it. Microsoft may be going in all guns blazing with the over-powerful Xbox One X , but the PS4 Pro focuses on enhanced 1080p gameplay with 4K capabilities. We do know that a PS5 is coming, that much has been confirmed by Sony's Shawn Layden in an interview with German site But Layden didn't put a date on it beyond saying that the PlayStation 5 is coming” but it'll probably be some time” before it's released.
The company practically just released the PS4 Pro , a mid-generation console upgrade that's expanded the hardware's functionality sufficiently, and probably still sees a lot of life in the fourth-generation PlayStation. Plans are always changing, and some of the details we've heard are fuzzy, but one thing has become clear: Sony is exploring the possibility of releasing a more powerful console way before the PlayStation 5. With both Sony and Microsoft possibly entering new territory, and Nintendo's NX on the way, this should be an exciting year for gaming hardware no matter what comes next. Previous reports mentioned that Sony's next console won't be released until 2019 or 2020, when virtual reality (VR) technology becomes mainstream.
However, fully backward compatibility looks to be the future for consoles for example Project Scorpio will play all Xbox One games at better resolution and FPS performance. Damian Thong, Analyst with Macquarie Capital Securities, and the man who correctly predicted about PlayStation 4 Slim and PlayStation 4 Pro has shared his next prediction related to Sony's next PlayStation console, PlayStation 5. According to Damian Thong, PlayStation 5 is expected to arrive on retail shelves by the second half of 2018. The Famous man Damian Thong, an analyst at Macquarie Capital Securities, who correctly predicted release of PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Slim , has recently said that Sony is going to launch its next PlayStation 5 by the second half of 2018.
The reason behind this is that the PS4 Pro just released in 2016 which saw the launch of a new console, belonging to the same generation as the PS4 as well as taking into consideration of how well the PS4 is selling, tracking in line with Sony's most successful console, the PS2. Not just that, he expects it to be a rather powerful system too, with a 10 TFLOPs GPU that would far outstrip any other console on the market- including Microsoft's Scorpio, which is due for release later this year. This has been a hot topic issue as of late, as gamers have feared that the release of the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro signals an iterative future for console gaming, such as how smartphones release on a yearly basis.
As for the PlayStation 5's backwards compatibility with PS4 games, it seems like Sony's not going the same route as Microsoft. The analyst also says the PlayStation 5 release date will be good news for PS4 owners because it will be backwards compatible with PS4 games, and will be able to play games in native 4K at 240 frames-per-second. In addition to VR, the PlayStation 5 gamers are also reportedly going to enjoy the full extend of 4K. This is very good news, considering that not many gaming consoles in today's market fully support 4K quality.
While Thong's predictions for the PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro were pretty spot on, Tassi also pointed out that Thong's prediction of the PS4 Pro's late 2016 release date had come after Sony first announced they were working on a beefier console in early 2016. To be honest, no matter how promising the PS5 sounds, it doesn't make sense to go without games for at least two years (if the PS5 launch rumours are to be believed) just to wait for a rumoured console. Having said that, don't hold your breath waiting for Sony to announce the PS5 just yet, because it makes zero sense for the console maker to acknowledge these rumours and hurt PS4 and PS4 Pro sales, which have been going quite well for a while now.
PlayStation 5 release date update: PS5 release may take a while after PS4 Pro launch this year; Sony to introduce HDR in PS5? Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter, claims that the tech giant's follow-up to the successful PS4 and PlayStation 4 Pro gaming systems will be available in 2020, according to Game Pur Nonetheless, Rumor has it that Sony will launch the PlayStation 5 in two versions. Macquarie Capital Securities analyst Damian Thong, an analyst with a great track record having correctly predicted both the PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro, says that the next PlayStation console will release next year.
As the PS4 Pro is being branded as Sony's 4K gaming platform, the company can only improve upon this feature when they finally launch the PS5. With the clash of PS4 Pro against Microsoft's newly-launched Xbox One X, Sony will have to step up their game, given that the early reviews for their rival's 4K gaming machine are generally positive. Interestingly, some observers at the recent Paris Games Week 2017 think that the PS4 era has already reached its peak, and Sony might making its first move to introduce the PS5 in the years to come.
Even with Sony having just released the PlayStation 4 Pro this year, it is only realistic to expect that the Japanese gaming giant would eventually launch a next-gen platform in the distant future. But a very interesting new VG247 article posted following their time at Sony's Paris Games Week showcase has hinted that we could be seeing the swan song of the PlayStation 4 and the first steps for Sony's eventual PS5 release. PLAYSTATION news this week focuses on some future PS5 news, a big week for the PS4 Pro in its fight against Xbox One X, a boost to Sony's PSVR and details of Hori's new mini PS4 controller.
Patcher, who's well-known for his gaming predictions, believes Layden is being honest and that we will get another hardware generation from Sony rather than just rolling updates, such as the PS4 Pro presented. Released in 2000 , 15 months after the Dreamcast and a year before its other competitors, the Xbox and the Nintendo GameCube , the PlayStation 2 is part of the sixth generation of video game consoles , and is backwards-compatible with most original PlayStation games. Our sister site Alphr reckons that, according to these time cycles, we'll see the PS5 emerge in 2019 at the earliest, with 2020 looking like the more feasible release date for the fifth-generation PlayStation.
And besides, the PS4's current dominance was driven partly by its position as the most powerful console on the market - we just can't see Sony making the sort of compromises on specs necessary to make the portable form-factor work. To further drive hardware sales before releasing fully-fledged replacements, Sony and Microsoft have both launched superior mid-generation models in the form of PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, a move many have likened to the smartphone market. The CEO of Ubisoft commented on the future of the home console games market during a call to investors following the publisher's latest financial results GameSpot reports that he believes the mid-generation hardware updates mean new devices won't be launched any time soon.
This means there's probably going to be a big-budget Naughty Dog game, hopefully not the fifth Uncharted game or a fourth The Last of Us Perhaps we'll be waiting years for a spiritual sequel to The Last Guardian from the likes of Fumito Ueda, or maybe Sony will surprise us with an actual, on-time release of a new Gran Turismo game. Who knows what the state of Sony's game library will come the arrival of the PS5, but expect all the heavy-hitters from Sony's catalogue to make their way to the PlayStation 5. This would mean a 2019 release would come at just the right time, and it's more likely a 2020 launch date would fit the cycle Sony wants to promote for this generation.
So perhaps 2020 might be the year in which Sony unleashes the PS5 on the world, as the first native 4K console with wireless VR.. as long as Microsoft doesn't get there first. 2020 might be the year in which Sony unleashes the PS5 on the world, as the first native 4K console with wireless VR.. as long as Microsoft doesn't get there first. Which, bearing in mind how little we know about the console at this juncture, may be required in order for Project Scorpio to run games in full native 4K, or could perhaps pave the way for it to run HD or 4K VR games in future.
UPDATE: 10-06-2017: As fans of video games await the PlayStation 5 release date , the forthcoming PS5 console may already have its first major gaming hit in the pipeline. Now the balance of power is swinging in Microsoft's favour (albeit with a more expensive console), Sony will want to redress that and offer a console even more powerful than the One X. Or perhaps Sony will be able to counter with a less powerful but better-value console come that woolly 2018 launch date. PlayStation consoles don't have 5 years long cycles, they have way longer ones, and are overlapped with the release of their next consoles to maximize their profit and amount of consoles and games sold.
They recently released the Slim & Pro so they won't boycott the PS4 success with a PS5, a PS5 in 2018 would be too expensive (over $400) and wouldn't achive a decent enough leap in terms of horsepower to justify it. Pachter says he'd be very surprised to see a PlayStation 5 or next Xbox appearing in 2018, but that we could see one of them arrive in 2019 By 2020, he expects both the PS4 and Xbox One to have been replaced. "Analyst who correctly predicted PS4 Pro and Slim says next-generation PS ( PS5 ) would be released...", states Takashi Mochizuki, a reporter with Wall Street Journal.
Lisa Su, CEO of American semiconductor company AMD, said during the recently concluded Consumer Electronics Show that companies like Sony and Microsoft are expected to give their consoles a five or seven-year lifespan before releasing their next-generation platforms. Also, because Sony still believes in generations, PS5 games will be designed to run on PS5 hardware, and not PS4 / PS4 Pro. Because of the new consoles being steam-powered by AMD technology once more, and an x86 design, the Xbox two and PS5 ought to be backwards compatible with the Xbox One and PS4, thus you will not lose your game library such as you did from the Xbox 360 and PS3.
Layden adamantly stated that PS4 Pro exclusive games will never happen,” and said that a PlayStation 5 is the next step forward for the company, although it will probably be some time” until it does. For those who don't know, Microsoft is presently creating the Xbox Scorpio, which has been deemed to be the most powerful gaming console the company has ever built. PS4 and PS4 PRO and XBOX ONE , and Scorpio all of them are just PC's , games will work without any emulation or porting on both PS4 and PS5 , GTA6 will work 720p on PS4 , 1080p on PS4 PRO and 4K on PS5 , same thing @ xbox.
, who successfully predicted the release of both the PS4 slim and the PS4 Pro, believes that the PlayStation 5 will be more powerful than the Project Scorpio. The Scorpio will be a powerful gaming console than the PlayStation 4. So, many people believe that Sony will launch the PlayStation 5 in 2018 to take on the Scorpio. The Microsoft Xbox One X then appears as a lucrative choice, since its significantly powerful than the PS4 Pro and hence better at 4K gaming.
To put this into perspective, the launch of the die-shrunk PS4 Slim and the mid-generation upgraded PS4 Pro consoles rejuvenated sales for the Japanese console maker. Sony UK boss Fergal Gara added that It's probably a sign of the times and how much has changed in seven years, but I think the willingness and the appetite to pick up new technology fast has probably changed quite a bit.” For the next few years, though, he said Sony will be putting its weight behind the PS4. Previous Sony consoles were released 6-7 years apart: PlayStation (1994), PlayStation 2 (2000), PlayStation 3 (2006) and PlayStation 4 (2013); So the PlayStation 5 won't likely be released until at least 2019.
After launching the powerful PS3 in the US at $499 (and offering a higher-end, $599 model), Sony has come downmarket in recent years. Reason being the PS4 Pro just released in 2016 — launching a new console, belonging to the same generation as the PS4 or otherwise seems unwise. Nevertheless, Pachter claimed that the Japanese tech giant will not release the PlayStation 5 in an effort to compete with Microsoft's latest and powerful console, Xbox Project Scorpio, PlayStation Universe reported.
PlayStation 5 Release Date, News: PS5 Launches In Two Versions With VR Portability In 2020, Tech Analyst Says VIDEO. The target date puts the launch of the PS5 between 2018 and 2020, and gamers should expect that the new gadget will be thinner, lighter and sleeker than what's currently being enjoyed by avid players. The analyst's prediction was featured in a report on Sony's recent financial earnings published in the Wall Street Journal, in which he said PlayStation 5 is expected to launch before the end of next year - meaning we could see a reveal as early as E3, next month.
So here we are to curb your hunger for knowing the features of Sony PS5 Specs, Graphics, OS, Hard Drive, Sony PlayStation 5 Release date, Sony PS 5 Price and indeed all the myths about upcoming Sony PS 5 console. No matter you even if you've read a dozen of articles saying that the release of PlayStation 5 is two years ahead yet you might be hoping to at least get a glimpse of the PS5 Gaming Console. Microsoft's Project Scorpio has already garnered a lot of attention and Sony has got to buck up. While Project Scorpio has announced 6 Teraflop GPU, Cerny believes that 8 Teraflops of processing power is a requirement to run games at an astounding 4K resolution.
Sony was the first among the console makers to embrace the virtual reality (VR) platform via PS VR, so it is possible that the PS5 will prompt the launch of VR headgear's second release. Sony PlayStation 5 release date news, rumors: Paris Games Week heightens clamor for next-gen console launch; 8K support, enhanced VR feature likely. Home Entertainment Current: Sony PlayStation 5 release date news, rumors: Paris Games Week heightens clamor for next-gen console launch; 8K support, enhanced VR feature likely.
German website is reporting in an interview with Sony president and CEO Shawn Layden that the company will release a PS5, but, more importantly, the boss made sure to caution that this next PlayStation console will "probably be some time". PlayStation News: PS5 Release date, PS4 Pro vs Xbox One X, PSVR boost, NEW Hori controller. The big question is how well the new wave of VR headsets are going to do with gamers (and indeed movie fans) - in a couple of years we should have a better idea of what the future of gaming is going to look like, and hardware makers can then plan accordingly.
Thong's thinking on the PS5 launch window does not quite mirror that of Michael Pachter of Wedbush Morgan, who recently announced that he expects Sony's next big console release to be released somewhere in 2020, giving the PS4 Pro an understandable longer run considering it has just arrived. According to Damian Thong, an analyst with Macquarie Research, the PS5 will launch as the most powerful gaming console on the market, even surpassing the Xbox Scorpio thanks to a 10 TFLOP GPU, but it wont be here till late-2018. Sony going to great effort to speedily retake the title of Most Powerful Hardware” after the Scorpio's 2017 launch, refusing to cede any ground to Microsoft in the console market, may be the most persuasive argument for a 2018 PlayStation 5.
Usually, a gaming console comes with an expected life cycle of at least two years, and if Sony launches the PS5 during the PS4 Pro's life cycle, it will hamper the productivity of the existing gaming console, which is doing a great business in the market. However, in a report by the WSJ , Macquarie Capital Securities analyst Damian Thong who correctly predicted the PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro launch dates has said Sony will launch the PlayStation 5 in 2018. Games hardware is years in the making - work on PS4 began in 2008 - so we can safely assume that his words do have some bearing on what to expect from the next PlayStation, which is almost certainly in the works now, even if a 2018 launch does seem unlikely.
While there is a group of gamer who believe that the PlayStation 5 will be launched next year, soon after the arrival of the Microsoft Xbox Project Scorpio, some people are saying that the potential launch date of the gaming console will not arrive before 2020. The PS 4 Slim and the PS4 Pro consoles were just released, so we didn't expect the release of the next generation Playstation 5 as soon as next year. The online publication VG 24/7, which was among the participants of the Paris Games Week, felt that the modern gamers have "popped through the mid-generation malaise in 2017." The expectation after the event is that in 2018 and the years that follow will be the time for "killer releases that will define the PS4 era."
However, it seems Layden is adamant that Sony will release a PS5 in the future, though with it still be some years away, it's unlikely to trouble Microsoft and their new Xbox One X console. For the time being though, the pinnacle of Sony PlayStation's power resides with the PS4 Pro console, which will become even more key as the company looks to go head to head with Microsoft's new Xbox One X unit. Earlier this year, there was a lot of speculation about when we might see the PlayStation 5 or next Xbox, with the usually-reliable Wall Street Journal saying the a new PlayStation could arrive as early as the back half of 2018 Sony and Microsoft have downplayed the speculation, but the possibility of the PS5/NeXtbox coming so soon after the release of the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X (
Launching in March 2020 sounds like the ideal time to me. The Xbox One X should be easy to beat on performance, there will be a good library of PS4 Pro games available, and Sony will have tens of millions more PS4/Pro owners to entice into upgrading knowing all their existing PS4 games will still work on the new machine. We loved the original PS4 and Xbox One consoles, but 500GB doesn't quite cut it, especially when you're installing full-sized games so Sony released a 1TB version in 2015 and we'd expect a later console to improve on that thanks to cheaper storage. There were rumors that, PS5 will be released in 2018 which made the fans really happy who got disappointed when they come to know that these were just rumors and gamers should not expect PS5 until the year 2019 0r 2020.
This is good news, as they would definitely be utilizing the time to make sure that the console is prepared to truly take on the next generation of gaming head on. We already know that 2017 is the year of the Xbox Scorpio, and Sony is certainly not making the mistake of doing anything hastily as an answer to that. Four years on, Sony has released another PlayStation console in the form of the PS4 Pro, and seems to be promising us that it won't be cutting off the PS4 any time soon. Going by the smart pricing of the PS4 and PS4 Pro at £350 on launch, I'd like to say Sony should stick to the same model with the PlayStation 5. However, with Microsoft's Xbox One X coming into the market at an eye-watering £450, Sony may look to see just how successful Microsoft's latest launch is before revising its pricing structure.
2019 would be the absolute earliest for a new generation of hardware to arrive, but both Microsoft and Sony have continually said they see this generation as the longest one yet - both the PS3 and Xbox 360 sat in the market, with no hardware revisions, for six to seven years before being replaced. Based on conversations with developers who have spoken with Sony, this ‘PS4.5' will include an upgraded GPU both to support high-end 4K resolution for games and add more processing power that can enhance the games supported by PlayStation VR, the headset Sony will launch this fall. The same cannot be said anymore, with the PS4 launching back in 2013 , yet three years later we not only see a slim edition, but a much more powerful version; the PS4 pro, too.
I can see Sony and Microsoft both really wanting the "most powerful console" crown next gen...and both will be wary of pulling the trigger to launch until they know they'll take that crown...so I think 2018 is unlikely..unless Scorpio starts to eat a big chunk of market share. For gamers, just relax in the knowledge you've got another 4 years at least of gaming on your PS4 or Xbox One (or both) without Sony or Microsoft pushing you to buy new hardware. Sony is reported to have sold almost twice as many PS4s compared to the Xbox One since the consoles were released, but fear that Scorpio will give Microsoft the upper hand in the console wars could encourage Sony to expedite the PS5's arrival.
This has been the question floating in the gaming scene following rumors that Microsoft is going to make 'the most powerful gaming console' with the release of Xbox Scorpio by Q4 of 2017. That being the case, the PlayStation 5 software is anticipated to work on the PS4 Pro games, the same way the PS4 Pro was made compatible with the PlayStation 4. Sony's upcoming PlayStation 5 is expected to be released on Nov. The PS4 Pro is a pure upgrade, released for mainly the 4K and VR scene, other than that there are no significant differences between Sony's two consoles.
PlayStation 5 (PS5) is a videogame platform developed by Sony Computer Entertainment as the successor of the PlayStation 4. Released in 2020, it is not a console like its predecessors, but a paid online multimedia service (used primarily for gaming) that can be accessed by PCs or smart TVs. The Sony boss was asked whether the PlayStation 4 Pro, Sony's flagship console currently, will receive any exclusive games, or whether the more powerful PS4 model will always continue to run games that also work on the base PS4. 144 Although PlayStation Move is implemented on the existing PlayStation 3 console, Sony states that it is treating Move's debut as its own major "platform launch", planning an aggressive marketing campaign to support it. In addition to selling the controllers individually, 145 Sony also plans to provide several different bundle options for PlayStation Move hardware; including a starter kit with a PS Eye, a Move motion controller, and a demo/sampler disc, priced under US$ 100; 146 a full console pack with a PS3 console, DualShock 3 gamepad, PS Eye, and Move motion controller; and bundles of a Move motion controller with select games.
Thong's prediction says that his company expects the PlayStation 5 would target over 10 teraflops in graphical power, a detail seemingly specifically designed to impress over the Microsoft Scorpio's 6 teraflop specification that's resounding well in marketing. The company is absolutely mum about everything of this upcoming console, be it the PS5 release date or the PlayStation 5 features and price So in this article we have tried to decode the probable release date of PlayStation 5 and when we will be able to get our hands on this highly anticipated and much awaited gaming device. PS5 Release Date: Although Sony is rocking the gaming world with their redesigned PlayStation 4 and brand new PlayStation 4 Pro, gamers are eagerly waiting for the next installment of the console, PlayStation 5 to launch.
Plus your suppose to be sony the leader in video games im not impress hope you do better with PS5 cause xbox and ps4 was a let down its very similar to the last model just increase to 500 GB. Sony please step your game up thirsty for so creative new idea think outside the box and really use your technology to do some fun thing mostly with making it real and developing better controller to the game come on. You even let Nintendo catch up need to pull so trick out the bag with this system I don't see any new feature that really says that this is a PS4 I rather just the PS3 nothing worth getting rated highest amount new system Spokes men from a gamer site (unnames) Not enough consumers have adopted 4K for Sony to seriously consider it. Microsoft may be going in all guns blazing with the over-powerful Xbox One X , but the PS4 Pro focuses on enhanced 1080p gameplay with 4K capabilities. We do know that a PS5 is coming, that much has been confirmed by Sony's Shawn Layden in an interview with German site But Layden didn't put a date on it beyond saying that the PlayStation 5 is coming” but it'll probably be some time” before it's released.
The company practically just released the PS4 Pro , a mid-generation console upgrade that's expanded the hardware's functionality sufficiently, and probably still sees a lot of life in the fourth-generation PlayStation. Plans are always changing, and some of the details we've heard are fuzzy, but one thing has become clear: Sony is exploring the possibility of releasing a more powerful console way before the PlayStation 5. With both Sony and Microsoft possibly entering new territory, and Nintendo's NX on the way, this should be an exciting year for gaming hardware no matter what comes next. Previous reports mentioned that Sony's next console won't be released until 2019 or 2020, when virtual reality (VR) technology becomes mainstream.
However, fully backward compatibility looks to be the future for consoles for example Project Scorpio will play all Xbox One games at better resolution and FPS performance. Damian Thong, Analyst with Macquarie Capital Securities, and the man who correctly predicted about PlayStation 4 Slim and PlayStation 4 Pro has shared his next prediction related to Sony's next PlayStation console, PlayStation 5. According to Damian Thong, PlayStation 5 is expected to arrive on retail shelves by the second half of 2018. The Famous man Damian Thong, an analyst at Macquarie Capital Securities, who correctly predicted release of PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Slim , has recently said that Sony is going to launch its next PlayStation 5 by the second half of 2018.
The reason behind this is that the PS4 Pro just released in 2016 which saw the launch of a new console, belonging to the same generation as the PS4 as well as taking into consideration of how well the PS4 is selling, tracking in line with Sony's most successful console, the PS2. Not just that, he expects it to be a rather powerful system too, with a 10 TFLOPs GPU that would far outstrip any other console on the market- including Microsoft's Scorpio, which is due for release later this year. This has been a hot topic issue as of late, as gamers have feared that the release of the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro signals an iterative future for console gaming, such as how smartphones release on a yearly basis.
As for the PlayStation 5's backwards compatibility with PS4 games, it seems like Sony's not going the same route as Microsoft. The analyst also says the PlayStation 5 release date will be good news for PS4 owners because it will be backwards compatible with PS4 games, and will be able to play games in native 4K at 240 frames-per-second. In addition to VR, the PlayStation 5 gamers are also reportedly going to enjoy the full extend of 4K. This is very good news, considering that not many gaming consoles in today's market fully support 4K quality.
While Thong's predictions for the PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro were pretty spot on, Tassi also pointed out that Thong's prediction of the PS4 Pro's late 2016 release date had come after Sony first announced they were working on a beefier console in early 2016. To be honest, no matter how promising the PS5 sounds, it doesn't make sense to go without games for at least two years (if the PS5 launch rumours are to be believed) just to wait for a rumoured console. Having said that, don't hold your breath waiting for Sony to announce the PS5 just yet, because it makes zero sense for the console maker to acknowledge these rumours and hurt PS4 and PS4 Pro sales, which have been going quite well for a while now.
PlayStation 5 release date update: PS5 release may take a while after PS4 Pro launch this year; Sony to introduce HDR in PS5? Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter, claims that the tech giant's follow-up to the successful PS4 and PlayStation 4 Pro gaming systems will be available in 2020, according to Game Pur Nonetheless, Rumor has it that Sony will launch the PlayStation 5 in two versions. Macquarie Capital Securities analyst Damian Thong, an analyst with a great track record having correctly predicted both the PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro, says that the next PlayStation console will release next year.
As the PS4 Pro is being branded as Sony's 4K gaming platform, the company can only improve upon this feature when they finally launch the PS5. With the clash of PS4 Pro against Microsoft's newly-launched Xbox One X, Sony will have to step up their game, given that the early reviews for their rival's 4K gaming machine are generally positive. Interestingly, some observers at the recent Paris Games Week 2017 think that the PS4 era has already reached its peak, and Sony might making its first move to introduce the PS5 in the years to come.
Even with Sony having just released the PlayStation 4 Pro this year, it is only realistic to expect that the Japanese gaming giant would eventually launch a next-gen platform in the distant future. But a very interesting new VG247 article posted following their time at Sony's Paris Games Week showcase has hinted that we could be seeing the swan song of the PlayStation 4 and the first steps for Sony's eventual PS5 release. PLAYSTATION news this week focuses on some future PS5 news, a big week for the PS4 Pro in its fight against Xbox One X, a boost to Sony's PSVR and details of Hori's new mini PS4 controller.
Patcher, who's well-known for his gaming predictions, believes Layden is being honest and that we will get another hardware generation from Sony rather than just rolling updates, such as the PS4 Pro presented. Released in 2000 , 15 months after the Dreamcast and a year before its other competitors, the Xbox and the Nintendo GameCube , the PlayStation 2 is part of the sixth generation of video game consoles , and is backwards-compatible with most original PlayStation games. Our sister site Alphr reckons that, according to these time cycles, we'll see the PS5 emerge in 2019 at the earliest, with 2020 looking like the more feasible release date for the fifth-generation PlayStation.
And besides, the PS4's current dominance was driven partly by its position as the most powerful console on the market - we just can't see Sony making the sort of compromises on specs necessary to make the portable form-factor work. To further drive hardware sales before releasing fully-fledged replacements, Sony and Microsoft have both launched superior mid-generation models in the form of PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, a move many have likened to the smartphone market. The CEO of Ubisoft commented on the future of the home console games market during a call to investors following the publisher's latest financial results GameSpot reports that he believes the mid-generation hardware updates mean new devices won't be launched any time soon.
This means there's probably going to be a big-budget Naughty Dog game, hopefully not the fifth Uncharted game or a fourth The Last of Us Perhaps we'll be waiting years for a spiritual sequel to The Last Guardian from the likes of Fumito Ueda, or maybe Sony will surprise us with an actual, on-time release of a new Gran Turismo game. Who knows what the state of Sony's game library will come the arrival of the PS5, but expect all the heavy-hitters from Sony's catalogue to make their way to the PlayStation 5. This would mean a 2019 release would come at just the right time, and it's more likely a 2020 launch date would fit the cycle Sony wants to promote for this generation.
So perhaps 2020 might be the year in which Sony unleashes the PS5 on the world, as the first native 4K console with wireless VR.. as long as Microsoft doesn't get there first. 2020 might be the year in which Sony unleashes the PS5 on the world, as the first native 4K console with wireless VR.. as long as Microsoft doesn't get there first. Which, bearing in mind how little we know about the console at this juncture, may be required in order for Project Scorpio to run games in full native 4K, or could perhaps pave the way for it to run HD or 4K VR games in future.
UPDATE: 10-06-2017: As fans of video games await the PlayStation 5 release date , the forthcoming PS5 console may already have its first major gaming hit in the pipeline. Now the balance of power is swinging in Microsoft's favour (albeit with a more expensive console), Sony will want to redress that and offer a console even more powerful than the One X. Or perhaps Sony will be able to counter with a less powerful but better-value console come that woolly 2018 launch date. PlayStation consoles don't have 5 years long cycles, they have way longer ones, and are overlapped with the release of their next consoles to maximize their profit and amount of consoles and games sold.
They recently released the Slim & Pro so they won't boycott the PS4 success with a PS5, a PS5 in 2018 would be too expensive (over $400) and wouldn't achive a decent enough leap in terms of horsepower to justify it. Pachter says he'd be very surprised to see a PlayStation 5 or next Xbox appearing in 2018, but that we could see one of them arrive in 2019 By 2020, he expects both the PS4 and Xbox One to have been replaced. "Analyst who correctly predicted PS4 Pro and Slim says next-generation PS ( PS5 ) would be released...", states Takashi Mochizuki, a reporter with Wall Street Journal.
Lisa Su, CEO of American semiconductor company AMD, said during the recently concluded Consumer Electronics Show that companies like Sony and Microsoft are expected to give their consoles a five or seven-year lifespan before releasing their next-generation platforms. Also, because Sony still believes in generations, PS5 games will be designed to run on PS5 hardware, and not PS4 / PS4 Pro. Because of the new consoles being steam-powered by AMD technology once more, and an x86 design, the Xbox two and PS5 ought to be backwards compatible with the Xbox One and PS4, thus you will not lose your game library such as you did from the Xbox 360 and PS3.
Layden adamantly stated that PS4 Pro exclusive games will never happen,” and said that a PlayStation 5 is the next step forward for the company, although it will probably be some time” until it does. For those who don't know, Microsoft is presently creating the Xbox Scorpio, which has been deemed to be the most powerful gaming console the company has ever built. PS4 and PS4 PRO and XBOX ONE , and Scorpio all of them are just PC's , games will work without any emulation or porting on both PS4 and PS5 , GTA6 will work 720p on PS4 , 1080p on PS4 PRO and 4K on PS5 , same thing @ xbox.
, who successfully predicted the release of both the PS4 slim and the PS4 Pro, believes that the PlayStation 5 will be more powerful than the Project Scorpio. The Scorpio will be a powerful gaming console than the PlayStation 4. So, many people believe that Sony will launch the PlayStation 5 in 2018 to take on the Scorpio. The Microsoft Xbox One X then appears as a lucrative choice, since its significantly powerful than the PS4 Pro and hence better at 4K gaming.
To put this into perspective, the launch of the die-shrunk PS4 Slim and the mid-generation upgraded PS4 Pro consoles rejuvenated sales for the Japanese console maker. Sony UK boss Fergal Gara added that It's probably a sign of the times and how much has changed in seven years, but I think the willingness and the appetite to pick up new technology fast has probably changed quite a bit.” For the next few years, though, he said Sony will be putting its weight behind the PS4. Previous Sony consoles were released 6-7 years apart: PlayStation (1994), PlayStation 2 (2000), PlayStation 3 (2006) and PlayStation 4 (2013); So the PlayStation 5 won't likely be released until at least 2019.
After launching the powerful PS3 in the US at $499 (and offering a higher-end, $599 model), Sony has come downmarket in recent years. Reason being the PS4 Pro just released in 2016 — launching a new console, belonging to the same generation as the PS4 or otherwise seems unwise. Nevertheless, Pachter claimed that the Japanese tech giant will not release the PlayStation 5 in an effort to compete with Microsoft's latest and powerful console, Xbox Project Scorpio, PlayStation Universe reported.
PlayStation 5 Release Date, News: PS5 Launches In Two Versions With VR Portability In 2020, Tech Analyst Says VIDEO. The target date puts the launch of the PS5 between 2018 and 2020, and gamers should expect that the new gadget will be thinner, lighter and sleeker than what's currently being enjoyed by avid players. The analyst's prediction was featured in a report on Sony's recent financial earnings published in the Wall Street Journal, in which he said PlayStation 5 is expected to launch before the end of next year - meaning we could see a reveal as early as E3, next month.
So here we are to curb your hunger for knowing the features of Sony PS5 Specs, Graphics, OS, Hard Drive, Sony PlayStation 5 Release date, Sony PS 5 Price and indeed all the myths about upcoming Sony PS 5 console. No matter you even if you've read a dozen of articles saying that the release of PlayStation 5 is two years ahead yet you might be hoping to at least get a glimpse of the PS5 Gaming Console. Microsoft's Project Scorpio has already garnered a lot of attention and Sony has got to buck up. While Project Scorpio has announced 6 Teraflop GPU, Cerny believes that 8 Teraflops of processing power is a requirement to run games at an astounding 4K resolution.
Sony was the first among the console makers to embrace the virtual reality (VR) platform via PS VR, so it is possible that the PS5 will prompt the launch of VR headgear's second release. Sony PlayStation 5 release date news, rumors: Paris Games Week heightens clamor for next-gen console launch; 8K support, enhanced VR feature likely. Home Entertainment Current: Sony PlayStation 5 release date news, rumors: Paris Games Week heightens clamor for next-gen console launch; 8K support, enhanced VR feature likely.
German website is reporting in an interview with Sony president and CEO Shawn Layden that the company will release a PS5, but, more importantly, the boss made sure to caution that this next PlayStation console will "probably be some time". PlayStation News: PS5 Release date, PS4 Pro vs Xbox One X, PSVR boost, NEW Hori controller. The big question is how well the new wave of VR headsets are going to do with gamers (and indeed movie fans) - in a couple of years we should have a better idea of what the future of gaming is going to look like, and hardware makers can then plan accordingly.
PlayStation 5 Launch Still At Least A Couple Of Years Away: Ubisoft
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